Connecting local businesses and their communities


google guaranteed


The Google Guaranteed badge lets potential customers book home services like plumbers or electricians with confidence, knowing that the home service provider has been verified by Google and their satisfaction is assured by a money-back guarantee.

Build a great reputation online

The Google Guaranteed badge can be displayed alongside the service provider’s business name, helping potential customers know that they’re booking with a reputable business.

Build trust

Service providers can follow up with customers and ask them to review and share their experiences, making it
easy to stay on top of customer feedback.

How Google Guaranteed Works

Google Guaranteed status is available for eligible businesses that pass a screening and qualification process through Google Local Services Ads. If your business meets the requirements, Google will back your business up to $2,000 for jobs that came to your business through Google if the customer is not satisfied with the work quality; letting customers know that your business is Google Guaranteed conveys credibility and positions you favorably.

Once Google Guaranteed, your business will be able to run Google Local Services Ads, these ads appear on the VERY top of Google – even above paid ads. With Google Local Services Ads, you’re only paying for actual qualified leads not clicks.